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Craigbarnet (also known as Craigbernard)


The site at Craigbarnet retains woodland belts that are a significant feature of the local scenery, and parkland areas now serving as pasture. The 18th-century mansion no longer stands but a farm remains, converted from the original stables.

Craigbarnet is situated on steep ground on the south-facing flank of the Campsie Fells. The tree belts which encircle it on three sides are a notable feature in the local landscape and largely retain their 19th-century outlines. They consist of conifers with some sycamore and other broadleaved trees. The original areas of parkland are now grazed pastures with only two remaining specimen trees. No gardens remain but the walls of the walled garden are extant in part.


In 1662 John Stirling built a new tower house on the south side of the road. Carved stones and finials from this house are incorporated into the barn at Craigbarnet Farm, north of the road. The mansion built in 1768 was financed by money from the tobacco trade and was situated on the north side of the road. It was demolished in 1953.

Rows of trees and belts encircling the various houses are shown on 18th- and 19th-century maps but the designed landscape as it is today was probably laid out in the late-18th and early-19th centuries. The site is now in divided private ownership.


18th Century (1701 to 1800)

Features & Designations


  • Gate Lodge
  • Description: There are three lodges.
Key Information





Principal Building

Agriculture And Subsistence


18th Century (1701 to 1800)


Part: standing remains



